inside out.

the inside out theory; how you can mould each thought to detach from external validation.
Feel openly.
Speak authentically.
Feel openly.
Speak authentically.
Feel openly.
Speak authentically.
Feel openly.
Feel openly.

welcome to,

The Inside Out Theory
the performance artist podcast
helping artists become masters
episode 025:
"How to stay true to yourself when you're being challenged by a boundary you've been too afraid to make."
" You will be your best artist if you are your best person, which is why self discovery is so important. As artists I know we all understand that we have beliefs about ourselves that aren’t true. But you can’t just stop there. You have to ask yourself the hard questions. Why. Why are you carrying around that belief. You have to do the work.
That’s how you heal."

Christie Lee Manning is the director of
two theatre companies, three full length productions, and a four week artist development program in London, UK. After 20+ years in the entertainment industry, Christie's hunger for self discovery and personal evolution exploded into podcast form.
Christie created The Inside Out Theory to teach the world how to disconnect from external validation and free us to become the truest, brightest, and most powerful versions of ourselves.


strengthen your mind.
strengthen your game.
strengthen your mind.
strengthen your game.
The Inside Out Theory is a thought process. It's a way of thinking that enables us to disconnect from external validation, allowing positivity to flow freely from our subconscious. It teaches us to place the focus within ourselves instead of outside ourselves, strengthening our connection to our truest selves while simultaneously challenging the voice of our ego. It opens us up to the purest form of happiness we all seek from outside sources, recognising it is always within us in every moment.

grace leland, performing artist
" The Inside Out Theory has changed my life. I have achieved vast amounts with Christie’s help in only six months, I genuinely feel like a completely different human. It’s been nothing short of transformative."

anna clifford, yoga instructor
"There aren't enough words in the English language to describe the impact Christie has on her world. Her energy makes even the most frustrated people find new motivation to strive for greatness. I've never met a leader like her."

vanessa mayfield, creative artist
"Christie not only helped me see obstacles that were standing in my way, she did it in a way that brought just as much joy to participate in as it did to see the others around me grow and inspire each other. "